Yesterday, something very unexpected happened.

My son, who's 18, was riding his bike home from a brief trip to the grocery store, "blacked out" while in motion. He went down hard on the street, unfortunately without a helmet, and "came to" while being helped up by two ladies who noticed his fall. Disoriented, he remounted his bike and made it home (by the grace of God). We took him to the E/R, and after a blood sugar test (normal), an EKG (normal) and CT scan (showing a minor brain lesion, from the fall), we opted to have him transferred to the regional hospital for "In-patient (overnight) monitoring" of his symptoms. So far, so good.

Now, as to what caused the blackout in the first place, no one is sure. There were no warning signs whatsoever. No known allergies, no dehydration, no heat exhaustion. He is recovering nicely, yet your prayers for wisdom and healing would be greatly appreciated.

First EKG

Off to CT Scan…

Off to the Regional Hospital

Family visit

Shoulder wound