Archive for December, 2011

Christmastime is here…

…and the Mrs. is rockin’ the Spritz cookies.  Mmmmm!

Cover Story in the local newspaper

I read this, and it made me somber and grateful:

‘I’m really thankful to have work’

Merry Christmas, part 1

It’s Monday, the week before our first Christmas in Montana… and so far, a moderately white one, PTL!  Here’s something else I’ve noticed, that’s much different than my experience lately, having grown up in Southern California:

There are many, many signs — on local businesses, mind you — that boldly (defiantly?) proclaim MERRY CHRISTMAS.  They’re everywhere!  And what’s more — people actually say that greeting to you, as well.  I think that is very, very cool.  If you think that’s cool, too, please leave a comment here, or send me an email.  It’d be nice to hear from you.  Tell me what’s been most meaningful to you this Christmas.

Now, I’m headed home to enjoy another of my family’s Christmas traditions — home-made “psghetti & meat bulbs”, from scratch.

Merry Christmas!

"To Be One"

We are thoroughly enjoying this amazing documentary film about 3 inspiring courtships that represent such victories in the midst of such relational catastrophe, these days.  Amazingly enough, the family of the bride in the first story — Ashley (Haymond) Baird — have become such dear, God-sent friends to our family, that we are sure that the Lord has been guiding us to this very place in the Flathead Valley of Montana.  If you are a parent and desire to “add fuel to the fire” of multi-generational holiness in your family, pick up this DVD from Amazon.  Enjoy!

Aspirin, or a guillotine?


Another faith-filled week in beautiful Flathead County, Montana.  Totally out of what was once familiar to me, unable to trust in anything but the constant companionship and provision of the Good Shepherd, and the sweet love of my family.  By this time of year, I was expecting to be bowled over by how mind-numbingly cold it had become, with snow everywhere, right?  Well, not so much.  It hasn’t really stayed below 20 degrees at night, and the snow that came a few weeks ago has mostly melted away.  Hah!  Montana Winter, you ain’t so tough!

(Of course, in a month or two, my new hometown will have the last laugh, and all my little chest-beating trash talk will be trampled like the grit they pour on the icy roads every year.)

Anyway, tonight Jenna and Emily and I went to our friends’ house, a dear family with whom we Calvi’s worship the Great King every Sunday.  (Caleb and Chloe got to practice their babysitting skills this evening, for which they are rapidly earning the nickname of “the dynamic duo”.  They did great — when we came home, their little sisters were nestled all snug in their beds, and the house was clean and organized… wow!)   One of the cool things about our home church family is that we will occasionally get together and watch some informative DVD, discuss it in light of the Gospel, and pray over what the Lord would have us do with this knowledge, if anything.  Tonight’s feature was a new documentary called simply, “Agenda“.  I won’t tell you what it’s about, but I will say this:

Make it a high priority to watch this film.  Then, host a get-together with some friends or family and watch it together.

There are things we should be aware of, details that could change the life-choices you make, the things you would pursue.  Perhaps “Agenda” will reveal something(s) that will shape you for years to come.  At the very least, watching it with others will make for some lively discussion, and will help to clarify the worldview of those in the room.

You can buy it from the movie’s website, or from Amazon.  Once you’ve seen it (the whole movie, not just the trailer), post a comment here to tell me what you thought.