Archive for June, 2011

Sweetpea amazes me.

My (almost) 15-year-old daughter just sent her old man the most amazing text message:
“I just wanted to tell you that I am overwhelmed by the blessing God gave me through you.  You’re the dad every girl dreams of having (if they don’t have one almost as good).  I can’t imagine life without you, and if I try, I feel like I could cry for a year straight.  Or more.  I was telling Mommy yesterday that I want to marry someone just like you.  You are my hero, my role model, comfort, protector, source of wisdom, and one of my best friends.  The list goes way on.  I just love you.”
Yes, my friends (snif, snif) — these are the things dreams are made of!  Praise God from whom all blessings flow… to Him alone be the glory for the things He has done!

Aim High

As a child of the Living God, I aim to live by the Scriptures – that is, the Bible – and as a citizen of the United States of America, I aim to live by the Constitution.  Here I stand, I can do no other.


Where can I get a copy?

Finally!  Someone crystalizes what we’ve been wrestling with for years!

Watch “Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (Trailer)” on YouTube

File under "I Couldn’t Have Said It Better"

The brilliant Patrice over at Rural Revolution does it again:

A message to little girls

Linked-In (I hope!)

Today, I (Ric) sent out a hopeful email to all my “extended” contacts, asking for any “leads” they may have in helping me find my next career(s).  Maybe I should hold a contest for a fabulous prize, or something — like that Ruger 9mm they recently gave away at the 2011 Preparedness Expo in Kalispell…

“John Doe, you have helped Ric find an exciting new career!  Come on down, let’s see what you’ve won!”

Seriously, if anyone has any ideas on how I can humbly support my family using just my skills, an internet connection and a clean conscience, lay ’em on me.
Thursday night, I notified my landlady that we would be moving out by the end of July.  (“Burn the ships, I say!”)  That was just one more milestone on the road to the frontier.

Props to all our peeps.

Words to harken…

Another thoughtful and compelling entry from the Paratus Familia blog:

The death of a Representative Republic

Hurry up and wait…

The last 6 days have been like drinking from a fire hose.  Or should I say, like gulping down the Yaak River?

In an act of faith and trust in our Father’s direction and provision, Jenna and I have been on what can be called a “Recon” Trip to the Treasure State.  We’ve been seeking out what it would mean to make our way in a place where the entire state population is only a fraction of the the city of San Diego… Learning that watching for deer on the highway is a much more effective means of speed control than radar guns.  And speaking of guns, it’s a glorious reality in this state that fervent adherence to the Second Amendment seems to go hand-in-hand with the courteousness of her inhabitants.  More guns, less crime, indeed.

Our children — how we miss them! — have been so patient in staying home with (incredibly generous) friends for a whole week.  As we have sent them pictures like these…

 …they have responded by encouraging and reassuring us that they believe in what God is doing in our lives.  They are amazing, and we look forward to squeezing them repeatedly and slobbering all over them.  🙂

So, it seems that within a month or two, we’ll be changing the plates on our minivan… and while we’re at it, we should probably trade that in for a giant truck!  Flathead Valley, here come the Calvi’s.  May God have mercy on us all!

Fighting off worry…

This morning, a few days into what has been an amazing “recon trip”, I find myself fighting off worry…

Lord, help us to find our way in this great free state... give is this day our daily bread.


The cat slowly emerges from the bag…

Tomorrow night, I will sit down with the majority of my “posse” (the worship team) and lovingly let them know of my pending relocation.  From the response of those few whom I’ve already informed, I gather that this will be an emotion-filled season.