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Disclaimer:  This post is unapologetically aimed strictly at fully-devoted Christ followers.


I saw a video recently, whose producers went to great lengths to make something false appear very real.  All of the bystanders (caught on multi-angled candid camera, of course) were visibly and understandably freaked out about the staged “outburst” of telekenesis.  However, having been made privy to the actual and elaborate staging procedure beforehand, we YouTube viewers were nothing more than amused and entertained.  It’s all in fun, right?

Well, think about it, for a moment.

If something genuinely disturbing and unprecedented were to be caught on camera — say, the “stoning”/persecution of Christians on American soil in Dearborn MI, for example — wouldn’t the public have a similar reaction?  That is, being virtually unaffected, lulled into complacency by all things two-dimensional?  In other words…

…is YouTube (and its ilk) a benefit or a detriment to our pursuit of dwelling on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute”? (Philippians 4:8)

Think before you watch:  Is that video clip before you, something about which you’d want have an uplifting spiritual conversation with Jesus — if He were sitting in the seat next you?  Could you assert to Him, as King David did, “I will set no worthless thing before mine eyes”?  If I seem to be throwing stones here, just know that I’m aiming at my own glass house, first.

Have a fruitful day.