Archive for April, 2014

Clearing the Land

A few weekends ago, we found ourselves trudging through the light mud and melting snow to fell a few trees that were either too close to our “house-pad” or causing too much shade over our future garden location.  Most of the larger trees (12″-16″ diameter), we merely felled, de-limbed and cut into 14′ sections, which will be laid together and “seasoned” until we decide how to use the timber.  More than likely, we will “mill” them (if we can find an economical way to do so — maybe this), and then “sticker” them for drying and later use.

Here are some pics…

Starting the Log Pile

“Working Smart”

The much-needed arrival of a necessity.

The Pile gets bigger…

This is where the house will sit.

I installed a tree swing for the kids.

We’ll be doing lots of this, I’ll bet.

Where the pavement ends, our bliss begins — 1.7 miles down the dirt road.

Everyone’s working together (except my dear and very pregnant Bride.  She’s supervising.  🙂

Pulling up roots…

…So we can “put down roots.”

 Have a great weekend!

What do YOU call it?

Dear friends:

I greatly desire us to be educated and committed in a certain manner of thinking, speaking and doing. Here it is…

This Sunday must be called RESURRECTION DAY, not “easter”. The latter word has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with WHY the day is commemorated. The day is set apart from every other day of the year, ONLY because it is a celebration of the physical and bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, the Word Made Flesh.

Not because of bunnies. Not because of eggs. Not because of buffet brunches… although I like those things as much as the next guy. 🙂

Rom 12:2 (ESV) “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Those of you who are Christ-followers, stand up and be counted. REFUSE to call this Sunday “easter”, and refer to it boldly as “Resurrection Day” instead.  Well-meaning people — even church-attenders and pastors (!) — will inevitably dismiss you, give you trouble or ridicule you for taking this stand. Let them. Remember that *words have meaning*, and continue to call it Resurrection Day, knowng that the very phrase points everyone DIRECTLY to the Gospel of the Only Savior, Jesus Christ — WITHOUT taking a confusing and conformist detour through paganism.

Mat 12:36-37 (ESV) “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Thank you for your consideration. Have a blessed week.
